Sunday 7 November 2010

Soichiro Honda: "See My Failure"

When Soichiro Honda's pioneering business is always filled with failure. He had fallen sick, running out of money, expelled from college. But he keep dreaming and dreaming ...

Try to observe the vehicle across the highway. Sure, your eyes always knock on a Honda, either car or motorcycle. Brand of vehicle traffic congestion this crowded, so that feasible nicknamed "king of the streets".

However, did you ever know, the founder of the "kingdom" Honda - Soichiro Honda filled with failure. He is also not the title of engineer, the more so as B.J. Professor Habibie, former President of Indonesia.
He was not a student who has a brilliant brain. In class, his seat is not never in front, always away from the view of teachers.

"My rating bad in school. But I'm not sad, because my world around machinery, motorcycles and bicycles, "said this leader, who died at the age of 84 years, after being treated at Juntendo Hospital, Tokyo, due to
mengindap lever.

Her love for the machine, probably 'inherited' from his father who opened agricultural repair shop, in the hamlet Kamyo, district Shizuko, Japan Central, ctempat birth Soichiro Honda. In the garage, his father gave
cathut (older brother) to pull out nails. He also often played in where rice mills saw a diesel engine into the motor driving.

There, a man born 17 November 1906, it can remain silent for hours. At the age of 8 years, he pedaled as far as 10 miles, only want to see the aircraft.

Apparently, his interest in the machine, not in vain. When he was 12 years, Honda managed to create a model bicycle pancal with foot brake. But, his mind is not dreaming of being the automotive business travelers. He is aware come from poor families. Moreover, weak physical, not handsome, thus making it inferior.

At the age of 15 years, Honda moved to Japan, working Hart Shokai Company. His boss, Saka Kibara, very happy to see how it works. Honda's thorough and workmanlike in the matter of the machine. Every sound suspicious, each The leaked oil, not escaped his notice. Six years of work there, adding his insights about the machinery. Finally, at age 21 years, her boss suggested opening a branch office in Hamamatsu. This offer is not ditampiknya.

In Hamamatsu achievements still works better. He always receives repair workshop which was rejected by another. It works too fast improve customer cars that run back. Therefore, at work late at night, and sometimes until dawn. Brain genius remains creative.

In those days, the radius of a car made of wood, up to no good absorb shocks. He got the idea to replace the trellis-bars were with metal. The result is extraordinary. Metal trellis trellis-sells, and exported to all over the world. At age 30, Honda signed a patent the first.

After creating a trellis, Honda wanted to break away from his boss, create his own garage business. He started thinking, what specialist chosen?

Her mind turned to the manufacture Pinston Ring, which is produced by own workshop in 1938. Unfortunately, his work was rejected by Toyota, because they do not meet the standards. Ring homemade no
flexible, and will not sell. He recalled the reaction of his friends against failure. They deplored himself out of the garage.

Lecture Since that failure, Honda fell ill seriously enough. Two months later, his health restored. He returned to lead his shop. But, about the Ring Pinston it, yet also has a solution. By looking answer, she went to college again to increase his knowledge of the machine. During the day, after returning college - early morning, he immediately to the workshop, practice the newly acquired knowledge. After two years a student, he was eventually released because rarely follow college.

"I feel like dying, because when the hungry are not fed, but packed with long-winded explanation about the law of food and influence, "Said Honda, which is devoted to racing cars. To the Rector, He explained the point is not seeking college diploma.

Rather knowledge. This explanation is regarded as an insult.

Thanks to his hard work, his designs Ring Pinston accepted. Toyota Party awarded the contract, so that Honda wants to build a factory. Eh unfortunately, intentions foundered. Japan, for ready war, not
provide funding. He was not desperate to raise capital from a group of people to set up factories. Again musibahdatang. After the war broke out, the factory burned twice.

However, Honda is not discouraged. He was rushed to collect employees. They were instructed to take the remaining cans of benzene which discarded by the U.S. ships, used as material to establish factory. Unexpectedly, an earthquake erupted destroying the factory, so it was decided to sell the factory Ring Pinstonnya to Toyota. After that, Honda tried several other businesses. Unfortunately all of them failed.

Finally, in 1947, after Japan's wartime shortage of gasoline. Here Japanese economy in ruins. To the extent that Honda can not sell his car to buy food for his family. In these circumstances pressed, he put small motors on bicycles. Who would have thought, "bike motor "the embryo of the birth of Honda cars - were enthused by the neighbors.

They flocked to order, so that Honda ran out of stock. Here, re-established the Honda motorcycle factory. Since then, success was never out of his hand. The following Honda Motor mobinya, became "king" the streets of the world, including Indonesia.

For Honda, do not see success in the industry wrestle automotive. But look at failures they experienced. "People I only see the success of one percent. But, they do not see 99% of my failures, "he said. He gives advice when you failure, ie start dreaming, mimpikanlah new dream.

The story of Honda, is an example that the critical success could be achieved by someone with a minimum investment, not smart at school, or derived from poor families.

5 Recipes success of Honda: 
  1. Always ambitious and youthful. 
  2. Respect sound theory, discover new ideas, dedicated time improve production. 
  3. enjoy your work and try to make your working conditions comfortable as possible. 
  4. Look for a smooth working rhythm and harmony. 
  5. Always remember the importance of research and cooperation. 

Source: Magazines $ ukse $, Vol V/20 2002/Th.1 July-August 20, p. 24-25.

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