Tuesday 9 November 2010

forget your failures

If we watch the circus, we usually see large elephants whose feet were tied to a small peg in the ground. Actually the big elephants can easily unplug it and run away peg, but they never do that. Why?

As a child, the elephant leg tied to a strong pole. At first he tried to pull and jerk the pole.But because the pole is very strong and the elephant was a child, he had not managed to free himself. Any business which he did in vain, and only cause pain. Finally, after trying repeatedly and failed, the elephant in despair. Even had grown up and has great strength, the elephant still feel that he does not munkin managed to escape from a rope knot. He has been conditioned to accept the condition was and did not try to change his fortunes. (Dr. Arthur Caliandro, Marble Collegiate Church of New York City)

These days, many people who behave like the elephant. They constantly shadowed by past failures or childhood trauma. Because once they are helpless and can not do anything, they think the forever they will like it and not be biased to change the situation.

For those of you who experienced it, there is good news for you. You can change your circumstances, if you want a little effort. Forget what lies behind us and expose themselves to what is in front of us it means we should not constantly haunted by the failure or imagined past trauma. Our lives are not determined by the past, but by attitude and our decision today.

Source : Kisah inspirasional untuk menumbuhkan benih keunggulan II ( Translated )

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