Monday 8 November 2010

Love Impact

On 12 July 2004, Steffi Graff received a special award. Her name was conferred The International Tennis Hall of Fame, along with Stefan Edberg of Sweden. In the 1980s and 1990s, Graff won 22 titles from the prestigious grand slam event. In addition, she also earned her Golden Grand Slam that put him as the only player who successfully complete the 4 series Grand Slam and Olympic gold medal seoul 1988.

The award made on the sidelines between the operation of Hall of fame tournament that was held in Newport, Rhode Island USA. 
Interestingly, the announcement was made by the husband Graff, andre Agassi. In his speech Agassi said, "I tried hard to find words - words that can precisely represent himself: one who has changed my life. I am aware, there may be no words that can describe the heart and soul of this woman whom I love ... Stephani. "

I was so touched, Graff moved to tears. 
When the time came to deliver a speech, she said, "This situation is actually not too emotional. What makes me is thrilled to hear that there are people who really loved me. "To her husband, Graff said," The most important part of my career in the sport is the opportunity to meet you. "

Real love evoke a sense of comfort in the hearts of everyone who watched. 
How is your relationship with your partner? whether there are feelings of love and gratitude when you look at it? or you begin to look for someone else?

Source : Buku Kisah Inspirasional untuk menumbuhkan benih keunggulan (Johny THE) ( Translated )

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